Financial Services

At Raphael Health Center, our Financial Navigators can provide a variety of financial resources to patients, based on the patients needs.

During an appointment with a Financial Navigator, Raphael Health Center staff will provide information on edibility for Medicaid, Marketplace, HIP Enrollment, and the Federal Sliding Fee Discount Program, as well as assist you in enrolling for programs for which you qualify.

Documents needed to determine eligibility for the Federal Sliding Fee Discount Program are:

  • State Issued Photo ID
  • Social Security Card
  • Birth Certificates (for dependents age 19 and under)
  • Proof of Income

Any ONE of the following documents may be submitted as proof of income:

  • Pay stubs for the last 90 days
  • Child Support Award Letter, if only income
  • Proof of Unemployment (WORKONE)
  • Social Security/SS Award Letter
  • Disability Award Letter
  • Workman’s Compensation
  • Previous Year’s Completed Income Tax Return or W-2

If you or someone you know is living with HIV, starting and remaining in Care Coordination for your HIV diagnosis can help you get to an undetectable viral load.  It is the best way to keep yourself healthy and protect your partners.